
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 ( 1:49 AM )

Today as i learn about Acts chapter 9, i realise that in the bible, the word obedience and faith is really something important.
In the beginning, Saul was those kind of guy who would go around and kill those people who declares about Jesus being the Lord.
Jesus said to him like why are you persecuting me?
And he was blind.
But Jesus wanted him to change, so He sent ananias.
And ananias actions were really something that even though it seems small, but it comes from the Lord.
Ananias was like, hmm, should i go and heal Saul? He is an evil guy afterall.
But Jesus prompt him to go and help Saul, in the end Saul was healed and received the holy spirit.
Sometimes we just judge someone for what they have did in the past and thus not approaching them at all.
Ya, it's true that attitude is something that is difficult to change and it takes alot of effort and sacrifices.
But i think we should really help those in need even though they say they don't need.
Because God told us to 'love your enemies and love your neighbours as yourself'
And when Jesus tells you to do something, a wise guy would know that you should do it, amen?
So, start praying for the people you once held grudges with and forgive them and start communicating bit by bit with them.
Even they don't receive christ, at least they will have a better relationship with you :)
God bless. :)

{/The saturday evening movie.
Sunday, February 1, 2009 ( 10:25 PM )

Saturday's sermon or rather, movie, taught me many things.
It really left me a impression that i doubt i will forget.
Previously, God taught me this, What is the purpose of you doing it?
Doing what? Sins and anything else that's not for a good purpose.
Don't do it unless it's for the good.
And the movie has a part that somehow told me that.
That guy, Caleb, He did those nasty things to his own spouse and nearly got a divorce.
He watches pornography and got addicted to it and when his wife scolds him, he retaliates back verbally.
He wants respect yet don't give respect to his wife.
He quarrels and everything...
He did all these because he was prideful and not wanting to give in to his wife.
That was his purpose, to somehow out talk his wife.
But the Lord wants us to live life, with a purpose, but a positive one.
Like what? Being honest with whatever we do, forgive and forget(Matt 5:42), and follow the commandments.
In the bible, the commandments serves as like a warning for us, for a better life. Matt 5:19.
In the movie, the Father of Caleb told him that God is a very serious, strict God.
He says that the Lord treats lying alike to murder and lusting to Adultery.
And that is true... That was like a warning to me.
Sinning is something God dislikes alot and He won't bring us to the kingdom in heaven if our life is full of sins plus if we are christians.
So what is exactly the purpose of sinning?
God gave us choices in life. Choice to either say yes to it, or no.
And often we get succumb by sins because they are so alluring so tempting and we say YES to it.
but when we want to say no from it, we hesitate. Because we really want it.
And after doing those sins, tell yourself, what is your purpose doing it?

John 11:9-10
9Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. 10It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.
God bless.